Parent Coaching and Co-Parenting

Parent Coaching

“Most of us would love a color-coded parenting hand-book that answers all of our unanswerable questions,
comes with guarantees, and minimizes our vulnerability…
The uncertainty of parenting can bring up feelings in us that range from frustration to terror.”

~Brenѐ Brown

Contradictions and challenges of parenting

Parenting is hard. It is probably the hardest job we are given as adults. In society today, we are flooded with so much conflicting information that it can paralyze us.

If they forgot, don’t take your child’s homework to school for them because they need natural consequences. But don’t be too harsh, or you may make them have low self-confidence.

Make sure your child is in plenty of extracurricular activities, so they are well-rounded and can be competitive for college. But don’t overbook them, or they will get overwhelmed.

Give your child the flu shot every year. Don’t even think about getting your child a flu shot!

The list can go on and on.

Hidden truth about parenting

The truth is that there is no clear right or wrong to parenting.

Through our Parent Coaching Service, we can help you find the best parenting strategies for your unique family. These strategies will emphasize the incorporation of YOUR VALUES and YOUR PRIORITIES.

How does Parent Coaching work?

Help, not judgment, is offered.

First and foremost, we want to get to know you and your child, so we have a solid foundation with which to work. During this time, we will facilitate open and honest conversations with you and your family to identify and target areas of strengths and areas of growth within your current parenting style.

After we have gathered information and developed a strong line of communication, we can work together to develop new strategies for you to “test drive” at home.

Yes, we said “test drive.” Sometimes, the first strategy isn’t a good fit, and that is okay. We will be here along the journey as you are encouraged and helped to develop the strategy for problem-solving that WORKS.

Parent coaching in a nutshell:

  • We address the family situation as a whole and not just work only on changing your child’s behavior.
  • We assess the current strengths and areas of growth within the family.
  • We assist you in role identification and repairing the parent-child relationship.
  • We create a space to openly discuss challenges and concerns in parenting in a safe and nonjudgmental environment.
  • We work on developing healthy communication skills between all family members.
  • We provide guidance with preparing and executing parent agreements and home contracts.
  • We support you in navigating feelings associated with decisions that need to be made regarding your child’s health and well-being.
  • We assist you in translating skills gained to the home environment.

Our goal

We want to help you build stronger family relationships and bring harmony back to your home!

Please contact us! Call 240-308-7171.


“Co-parenting. It’s not a competition between two homes. It’s a collaboration of parents doing what is best for the kids.”

~Heather Hetchler

What now?

The divorce is finalized. You are settled in your new home. Your kids are adjusting to the visitation schedule.

However, you and your ex-spouse cannot see eye-to-eye on how to discipline the kids. Some things never change.

Parents share their co-parenting struggles with us all the time.

Whether it’s about when to let your child get a cell phone or struggles with a stepparent, we are here to help you along this new road.

It may feel impossible.

It may be difficult.

Positive change is possible!

How does co-parenting coaching work?

We approach co-parenting with a high level of sensitivity and compassion. We understand that you got divorced for a reason, and this process may bring up many negative thoughts and feelings.

We work with both parents, separate and together, to help find parenting solutions that keep your child at the center and keep in mind the unique differences in each household.

Stepparents and their role in the new family dynamic is an important topic in our co-parenting services.

You don’t have to wait until you are fighting with your ex all the time to reach out. Be proactive and start today.

Be proactive and start today.

Please contact us! Call 240-308-7171.

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