Teen Counseling
(13-19 years old)

“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.”

~Sue Atkins

What’s up with Michael?

Let’s look at a common scenario.

This year Michael is a sophomore in high school; and up until now, he has been an upbeat and social person.

But something is different this year. Michael is always playing video games alone in his room and isn’t asking to hang out with friends anymore.

When you talk to him about needing to cut back on the video games, he immediately gets angry and defensive.

You have noticed an increased need for privacy, but it almost feels like he is hiding something.

When you try to connect with him, you are met with eye rolling and sighs as he says, “Just leave me alone.”

Finding your way through the teenage years

Navigating the teenage years can be tough.

One of the most difficult challenges during this stage of life is knowing what is just “typical teen” behavior and what is a warning sign of a concern.

We are here to help!

While working along side you and your teen, we will help you determine the full picture of what is happening in their life.

Even typical teen behavior can be difficult, but with our help things can get better.

The great part about using our services, even if with typical teen behavior, is that support and guidance can be provided – and no mental health diagnosis is required. This is because we have decided not to participate with insurance companies. (Please see our FAQs for more details.)

Don’t wait until it gets worse. It’s okay to seek support now.

Our client’s journey – Consultation

We understand how difficult it can be to find the “right fit” for your teen and your family.

This is the reason why we offer FREE new client consultations. They provide a great way to meet us, see our counseling space, and decide if Willow Tree Counseling Center is the right fit for you.

Our consultations are typically 15-30 minutes in length and can be in person or over the phone.

Our client’s journey – Assessment

After the initial consultation, it is time for the initial assessment.

You can expect questions about your family’s mental health history, your teen’s developmental milestones, and current reasons as to why you are seeking counseling.

At times, formal assessment/screening tools will be used. This session can be from 45 minutes to 60 minutes, depending on the length of your family’s history.

Our client’s journey – Confidentiality

Did you know that teens 16 years and older have the right to full confidentiality?

What this means for you as a parent/guardian is that your teen’s counselor cannot share any information with you unless we have a signed consent to do so.

Therefore, we will give your teen an opportunity to speak with their counselor alone during the assessment to share any additional information that they may want to keep private.

Our client’s journey – Building Trust

Now that we have a better idea of your family and your teen, we need to start building a trusting, open relationship with you and your teen.

Typically, we start this process over the next three consecutive sessions, which we ideally do once per week.

Informal assessment is being done during sessions, and communication between your counselor and you are very important.

So how long does counseling take?

We cannot provide you with an exact amount of time; however, we will be discussing and revisiting progress throughout our time together, so you will have a complete understanding of areas of success and continued areas of growth.

Our ultimate, goal at Willow Tree Counseling Center is to successfully transition your teen out of our services and to begin using the skills he/she has learned independently.

Take a positive step now!

Call 240-308-7171 or email info@willowtreecounseling.center to schedule your initial free consultation.

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