Young Adult Counseling

“The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how you use them.”

~American Proverb

What am I supposed to do now?

“I don’t want to be an adult today!” Alternatively, “Look at me adulting today!” These are funny comments that we hear all the time from our friends and family.

Feeling overwhelmed?

Young Adulthood Counseling is for people between the ages of 18 and 30. It is designed for young adults who are having difficulty figuring out what “adulting” means.

This difficulty can range from coping with life transitions, feeling lost, having issues with decision making, wanting to establish new connections with people or relationships, or setting goals for the future.

We can help you make positive steps toward your future.

Let’s look at our client journey for young adults.

First, you will meet with your counselor; and she will gather information about you and your biological, social, and psychological history.

You will discuss how this history is impacting you, and the two of you will identify areas of strengths as well as areas where growth is needed. This process is important, because it allows you and your counselor to develop goals that you want to achieve as you move forward.

After that, you and your counselor will determine the best strategy for obtaining the optimal results.

We understand that this can be difficult.

We offer a safe space where you can process and discuss any issues in your life.

You will learn skills to help you understand and communicate your needs, strengthen your decision making, and overcome the obstacles getting in the way of your self-discovery and personal growth.

In your final sessions, you will review your goals to ensure that you are satisfied with your counseling experience and expectations.

In addition, you will outline a plan for maintaining what you have worked on in therapy, so you can implement it outside of therapy.

Our goal

We want to help you to become the best kind of adult you can be.
Please contact us! Call 240-308-7171.

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